Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Steal Deal~

With the current release of the new PS3 Slim and it's welcomed price drop, I felt it necessary to give it a looksie. However, me being the type never to get the first round of anything due to worry of being a statistic for working out bugs, I focused my attention on the 80GB Playstation 3 "Fat." I wasn't really thinking too heavily about it until Jordan and I made a stop at this recently-openned outdoor mall in Centennial. Earlier that day, I saw the PS3 Slim on display (along with Dissidia) at a near-by Best Buy close to work. That lunch break gave me time to think about a possible purchase. Hearing the gamers at Best Buy, they said that the PS3 Fat will be discontinued entirely with the release of the Slim. Flash Forward to a few hours later at another Best Buy, I spotted a PS3 Fat in stock. I call my friend in Maine to look up some online stats. After sitting on the Best Buy floor for probably over a half hour, I decided to make a purchase. However, there were no ATMs in the vicinity so Jordan and I drove around to various Game Stops to get the opinions of the employees. Before making a purchase, I decided to go to the Best Buy at work and purchase Dissidia (it came with a free calendar) and figured I could just borrow my little sister's PSP. Later, Jordan and I go to the Game Stop on Colorado Blvd and they had a deal where, if you purchased the 80GB, you got an extra controller (Sony Brand) for free. A $60 value, I couldn't pass it up. Sure, the new Slim had 120GB, but not an extra controller. I proceeded to go to check-out and purchased myself a PS3 Fat. After ringing up my new toy, I saw across the counter....the actual Dissidia PSP package. Angrily, I shake my fist because I can't return the Dissidia game from Best Buy for I had already openned the package to look at the calendar. As far as I know, Game Stop is the only place that carries the Dissidia package so I can't return the game without just-reason. Even if I managed to, I doubt I'll be able to get store credit since it would most likely only be used on a similar item. Unless Best Buy provides the Dissidia package, I'm kinda stuck. Assuming Puraw-Wave is willing to try and "return" the game to Wal-Mart (supposedly, you don't need a receipt to do returns), it might shine some hope on my situation. Unfortunately, my car-fund has taken quite the hit......but I just couldn't pass it up. It was too good of a deal in my eyes. Besides, I've sorta been slaving at this car fund for quite some time. I've cut back on a LOT of expenses, practically starving. I think it's okay to splurge this one time~

After purchasing my new PS3 (unfortunately, not reverse-compatible), Jordan has been looking into making a purchase on the Slim Version. She's extra excited with the upcomming release of "Rock Band: Beatles." Unfortunately, she's worried that she won't be able to use the instruments from Rock Band 1 (PS2 Version) on a PS3. After constant back-and-forth with game expertise from both Best Buy and Game Stop, I suggested she bring her USB dongle and an instrument from her Rock Band package and we test it on my newly purchased PS3 Fat. SUCCESS~!!! I'm able to control my PS3 with her PS2 Rock Band Guitar (we rented Lego Batman to test out the PS3 and playing that game with a guitar is quite difficult). Last night, we made another visit to Game Stop so she can pre-order Rock Band: Beatles. It's her motivation to get a PS3 Slim now. She's trying to convince two of her sisters to put in $100 each by 9-9-09. The Cools just might have to make a comeback~

Two work opportunities have presented itself. One of which I've mentioned in my previous entry, unfortunately, seems a bit sketchy. I received a call to go on my second interview. After reading many reviews, I don't think I want to do it. Work Opportunity 2 comes in the form of a bank I frequent for my present job. I had my interview last week. Tag-teamed by 2 managers....very intimidating. However, I think it went well. The general rule is that if an interview lasts less than 15-20 minutes, it won't go well and consider the job goodbye. My interview started at 4PM. I didn't get out until 5:10PM. Based on that rule and being double-teamed, I think I'm in good standings~

The theory works. I'm a fan of things turning out in my favor~

Just recently, I got a phonecall from my parents informing me of a $50 ticket that wasn't paid from last month. That ruined my night on friday. However, things were made up by various treats such as the purchase of a new toy and Jordan treating for dinner at Benihana. I was a fan. I think it's funny that they teach the (mexican) chefs to say Japanese phrases. And I caught every single one. Even the Korean hostess/waitress said a few things in Japanese. If memory serves me correctly, I think they used the wrong form of certain words. It made me chuckle to myself. Jordan made the comment "Only you would be that observant of something like that. Us non-asians would never have noticed." It can't be helped. Years of anime will do that to a person~

As of late, time with the girlfriend has been quite wonderful. As the days go by, I'm enjoying every little bit of it. Does this mean I have to expect some kind of wrench being thrown into the gears? Statistically, it's probably gonna happen soon. I, however, never expect it. I never want it to happen. So far, so good, though. If it can keep running like how it's been, I can rest at ease. It makes me smile when we can spend time together without any kind of worry. Again, I'm a fan of things turning out in my favor~

Now....it's just time for me to hit the jackpot and buy my car and snag a new job and I will be happy for the rest of the year~

Currently: Waiting for Jordan to get out of work for more time-spending and possibly more Lego Batman~


You_Are_Be_I said...

new toys are always pretty nice. as for dissidia, patrick and i were saying that although we both played it, we still don't really understand the fighting system. it's like, shit's happening and it looks kinda cool, but i don't know what's going on...

Puraw Wave said...

Hot damn, a PS3. Time to work on some Rock Band skills.