Sunday, August 10, 2008


The evergoing search for a new home continues. Earlier today, I've made calls/visits to my 2 main prospective places. Unfortunately, apt.1 had no available units. This place might've been my top choice. Its location: DTC, close to lightrail, closer to home, and away from the city. However, since its located next to lightrail, it makes accessibility quite easy. Next, apt.2. The building isn't built yet but people will be able to move in mid September. Their rent starts at $478 for a 1BD/1BA. It's one of those units that an individual must qualify for. Fortunate for me, I do qualify. Unfortunately, all the $478 units have been leased. The next one up is $612. Bottom line, the apartment search must continue~

My luck with searching for a new job shows as much promise as my search for a new home. I haven't heard anything back from the credit union. After the initial interview (a Thursday), I was told to contact them if I haven't heard from them before the weekend. There was no word. So come Monday, I did my follow-up call only to receive the answering machine. I left a message. The following day, I tried to call them again at scattered times of the day. The result was the same. I left a message. Wednesday, same thing with the same result. I think it's clear to me that my experience entire employment history/experience with money handling was not sufficient enough to work at this particular establishment. Bottom line, the job search must continue~

I'm worried that I won't be able to make my supposed deadline. However, I am a little confused on what my options are. My former roommate said that I have as long as I need so long as I make my current payments on rent. My landlord stated that I have until the end of the month. So I wonder, if that's the case, am I at all required to pay for September's rent/club fees? And if I am, since I [would have] paid, doesn't that allow me to stay at my current residence for the month of September? I still have to contact my informant on the details but I'm unsure on his availability. Electronic means of contact will have to do~


I have recently found that my 2-year contract with Sprint expired August 1st. Upon realizing this, I felt the need to detach myself from my phone service provider of 4 years. It was a good run, I suppose, but it's time to move on. Actually, my main reasoning for leaving Sprint is because I want to invest in an unlocked phone and that requires a SIM card (something that Sprint does not provide). This left me with 2 choices: AT&T and T-Mobile. Both provided features that outdoes the other:

AT&T: 450 anytime minutes with roll-over, 5000 night & weekend minutes, and unlimited text messaging. $65.99 a month (includes est. charges)~

T-Mobile: 300 anytime minutes (unlimited minutes with myFaves top-5), Unlimited nights & weekends, and unlimited text messaging. $60.98 (including est. charges)~

With Sprint, I average about 1600 minutes (total), unlimited text messaging for a hair over $50.00 (this includes fees, charges, and 15% discount)~

The thing that got me with AT&T is the roll-over. I hardly talk during the day so those unused minutes build up throughout the duration of my contract. Based on my average with Sprint, this makes the unlimited option almost unneccessary. T-Mobile, however, DOES have unlimited nights & weekends standard (AT&T, unlimited nights & weekends is an extra $8.99). After consulting my phone advisor, I have decided to make the switch to AT&T. According to him, they have better reception at more places. PLUS, they also provide the 15% discount as well. After spending some dude time with Jon, I found that T-Mobile provides an 18% discount but there's a ton of work to go through so it was too much of a hassle~

My contract with Sprint will officially be over once this pay period is over (sometime in early September). Technically, I have 2 phones now (I finally have a 303 number). But I've decided to run with Sprint until it's finally cancelled then move to my new phone. Once that happens, I'll distribute my new phone number to the people I deem worthy of having accessibility to my person~

*note* it just hit me at this particular moment that next month (as far as phones go) will be a rough month~


The 2008 Summer Olympics plays in the background. Seeing how my tv is unable to get any channels, being somewhere else is the only way I can watch coverage. US women's gymnastics is fuckin' up with all their out-of-bounds deductions. I don't see how anyone can find the Olympics boring to watch. It's the entire world competing in an event that only happens once every 4 years. That's some big shit, right there. There's at least one thing in the Olympics that everyone would find entertaining. Anyone who thinks that the Olympics is boring deserves a swift round kick to the face~

Two weekends in a row, I've crossed paths with former high school pals. They were also former breakdancing buddies. Watching some youtube videos of their progress (along with gymnastics playing in the background), it makes me wish that I consistently stayed with dancing. Starting from scratch (alone) is quite difficult and hard to stay motivated. I would practice with the people up here in Denver but I feel incredibly intimidated by the pros and feel that practicing at my level would bring about ridicule. Either way, I still plan on acheiving every man's dream to have a rock-solid 6-pack; one way or another~


Currently: Stressing my ass off~

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