Monday, November 30, 2009


It's been quite some time since I last blogged. I can't really say that a LOT has happened since the last time...just been a little bit preoccupied. I've been settling into my new job recently. Going on almost 2 months since I first started and, for the most part, I'm enjoying it. Less stress about the miniscule things I worried about at the last place. With where I'm at now, there's only "looking forward" and that's pretty much what I need right now~

Just recently, I celebrated Thanksgiving with Jordan and, I must say, it was quite delicious. Unfortunately, I had to work that morning but the end result was a wonderful, home-cooked meal. Not to mention time with the GF. What more could you ask for (I don't normally require much to be satisfied). The following day, Jordan treated me to an early birthday. Due to my work schedule, I can't be up late on Saturdays so she took me out to dinner on Friday. Pappadeaux is FREAKING AMAZING~!!! After all the talk that my friends have mentioned about its seafood, I finally got my fill on it and that shit is bomb. It's pricey, indeed. But I'd say it's worth every penny. Afterwards, checked out some Ninja Assassin. As JKU said on the BOOK, there's a slight mancrush on Rain. I won't say "slight" in my case. I'm going Full-Blown. He got stupid-buff for this movie. As he's quoted in a training video, "Rain is fantastic." Not to mention, that fucker can dance. And pretty funny in "I'm A Cyborg, But That's Okay." Nice sleepover w/ my boo then went out to fooding again Saturday night. This time, Buffalo Wild Wings route and, as always, delicious. The gift she got me was DJ Hero. Fun times, especially since you can co-op w/ a guitar. Just have to unlock more songs and it'll be splendiferous~

I'm almost done watching Palace. I have one more episode to watch. I started at one point but fell asleep so I'll have to get back to it again. After that, WAVE let me borrow TTGL. At first, the character designs turned me off to the series. But after testimony from Lechon Kinenbi, the series is pretty epic. Keep in mind, we rarely use the word "epic" do describe anything. However, that's just what TTGL is....epic~

Currently, at Best Buy, there's a Sony 32" LCD 1080p, 120mH for under....wait for it.....$400~! After contemplating the size of my apt and comparing the tv my parents have, the targeted 40" just might be overkill for me. But that aside, it sounds/looks perfect for what I wanna do (primarily gaming). Granted, I'm not a hardcore gamer by any means. That aside, a Sony 1080p for less that $400 is a steal deal. Hopefully, by next paycheck, they'll still have some in stock. I think I just might have to make an early Christmas Purchase~

For now, that's all I have to update on. A little shorter than usual. But I don't think it matters. Not many people read this anyways (on xanga, primarily). Just the same, life [in general] shows improvement. That's what we need the most. Times are, for the most part, rough. When things get bad, there's only one way to go and I feel that I'm doing quite well on my climb~

Currently: getting pretty damn hungry~


You_Are_Be_I said...

damn that sounds delicious indeed. my thanksgiving wasn't as eventful. after a while, the designs in TTGL perfectly complement its epic-ness (except episode 4 - with the pink furball badguys, that episode animation was wacked fool)

Puraw Wave said...

Man crush, indeed. Go figure, the Koreans always making the rest of us feel like crap.