Tuesday, December 2, 2008


You know what I hate? I'm sure it was mentioned previously but I hate having to cover up something that doesn't need to be covered up. It's draining trying to act like things don't matter when they really do. It's even more draining to try and meet everyone's needs/expectations. It's almost impossible for me to be me without having to hear some kind of accusation or trying to clear up any misinterpretation. It's a wonder how things have been going because if I were any other normal person, I probably would've cracked a long time ago. I suppose it's that basic instict of mine to try and put others before myself. However, in the processs, I could potentially hurt others as well as put myself in a position to be barraged for unneccesary things. It is what it is and I am who I am. Deal with it~

I must say, I'm not much of a fan of my current position as a CSR. I still make the same amount of money as I did at ABC but I get full-time hours. However, I do 3-4 times the work. Also, I do a LOT of driving. Just yesterday, I've probably totaled about 20 miles just from running from bank to bank. Somehow, I get reimbursed for it but I still don't think it's worth it. I am especially not a fan of hearing so many peoples' sob stories and how they need help. This is really not the job for me. But, I'm in no position to complain because, for now, it's paying the bills~

The arrival of a comrade shall be the laughter that we all need. As the gathering'll happen at the end of next month, I hope that I'll be in a better position to let loose without worries of reprocussions. What this means is more down time for da boyz and quite possibly, a new place of lodgings. I'm not a fan of where I'm living now. It smells terrible, the nights have been late due to some whack-job who decides to play some shitty song on repeat at 2AM, and I might actually have space to do things like work on my drafting table or bust out my total gym. I need to look nicely for the reunion~

I thought I had more to say but I keep brain-farting. Meh, I can always come back and record my thoughts. That's what these things are here for, afterall~

Currently Watching: Planet B-Boy DVD~

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Someone once told me that being angry takes too much work. Oddly enough, I think the opposite. Due to being in a string of ill-tempered moods, I find it easier to be in a bad mood rather than trying to pretend everything's okay. Sure, there are times when I'm genuinely happy or in a pleasant mood. But there are those days when everything pisses you off. Everyone has them. Today, especially, happens to be one of them. Who would've thought that a normal salutation with a minor discrepancy would warrant suspicion of questionable interaction? I also was unaware that following suit in traffic ahead of me would make a person angry enough to take it out on me from the University Exit down towards Park Meadows-ish. When is it okay to poke fun at strong dislikes when an unpleasant outcome is almost obvious? I was also misinformed when the desire to depart from problematic episode meant returning to it and pursuing it further. Last I checked, "Just drop it" meant just that. I didn't know the definition changed to "Let's keep talking about it." Wanting to go to sleep to staying up longer totally deviates from my original intent. Seriously, it would be nice to up to date with all these changes. It would save me a lot of stress, headaches, and sore throats~

It's been a week since I started working. It's weird how a 9-hour shift here goes a lot faster than a 5-hour shift at ABC. So far, all I've been doing is busy work (dealing with training packets and organizing currency/checks in alphabetical, numerical, and date order). I won't complain...for now. It pays so no complaints there. As I stated previously, I would prefer something else but this'll do. Once word of a cruise-ship pops up, I'm off the raft~

It's been quite some time since I've actually had a real Thanksgiving. The last one I recall was either in 2002 when I visited family in Hawaii or MAYBE sometime when I was still living in Concordia. I don't remember. However, I'm supposed to attend an actual Thanksgiving tomorrow. It'll be with white people so the traditional Thanksgiving is almost guaranteed. I suppose it depends on my mood. Will I still be a grumpy guss? Will my mind change and will I decide to stay in the oh-so-enjoyable COSprings? When I go back to my Denver studio, will I even be in th mood anymore? Either way, it's a lot better than the standard chinese buffet or golden corral. Buffets are good and all for every special occasion, it gets old really fast~

I hate being trapped in a corner. Doing so enabled a former comrade acquire my phone number. Quite honestly, it was a person I would prefer to never have my number. Unfortunately, I was [more or less] forced to leak the information. This lead to me being the recipient of an unwanted text message from an unwanted number. The sauce is definitely in the weak category~

This is mostly for a rant. Unfortunately, I was interupted so my train of thought has plowed into a brick wall. "Thanks....very much"~

Currently Watching: Infernal Affairs Series~
Currently Reading: A Wild Sheep Chase -Haruki Murakami

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gamma Ray: Attack of the -Ay~

I find it incredibly strange that, after 3 long years of job-hunting, I manage to land a job after a week from turning in the application. It's incredibly frustrating that it happened that easily. At the same time, I'm relieved seeing how my final day at ABC was on 11-14-08. No, I wasn't able to back out w/ my middle fingers in the air while "YEAH!" played on a ghetto-blaster. However, the thought of doing it anyway while humming the tune DID cross my mind. The day consisted of absolutely nothing. Myself and my trusty sidekick patrolled the parameters as we talked about nothing. I had once again combined the CU Bear and 4 CU Buffaloes to create Teddy-VOLTRON. On my last day at the AHEC Book Center, I dressed in a way I never really thought I'd find an occassion to. However, the day was slow and boring. So...the stylish black tie with BSB Shirt went almost unrecognized. Still, I looked good, dammit, and that's all that matters. But I digress. As for the job, it'll be a CSR position at a teller place. It's starting me at my final pay at ABC. Not exactly ideal but it's better than less (or nothing). Although opportunity for advancement is supposedly high, if I hear back from DishNetwork/Echostar, I'm totally jumping ship and headed that direction. If I hear from the radio station job, I'll be doing that also. Hell...full benefits sounds very appetizing in my opinion. In the meantime, my first day is this Thursday. That should give me some time to purchase some business-casual attire~

Just recently (perhaps 2-3 weeks ago), I received word of individuals I haven't heard from in almost 3 years. I suppose it's not very strange when you look at it in that sense. But seeing how I was friends with these people around the same time, lost contact with them around the same time, they sought me out around the same time (within a day apart, maybe), AND the fact that they don't even know each other, it strikes me as very peculiar. It had me wondering if it was that time of the year to search Brad out like it were some kind of scavenger hunt. Needless to say, it did cause some complications between myself and my partner in crime, things were eventually smoothed over and (hopefully) things are at peace for the time being. Could you say it would be the return of the Arima Complex? Not necessarily. However, I do feel like things are finally getting better~

Although it might not seem like much, it might be the time that things for me start falling into place. Granted, they are small steps but they still cover distance. "One must learn to walk before he can run" and, I assure you, I intend to be huffin' it on the last stretch of this marathon~

My birthday follows Thanksgiving. I don't intend on doing very much shopping just because there really isn't anything that I want to buy. Well, maybe a dvd or something but I don't feel it necessary to wake up earlier than what's required of me. What I do look forward to is all the food that Thanksgiving has to offer. Either an actual dinner at Jordan's or buffet with the parents. It makes no difference to me. I enjoy food. It'll be tasty just the same. If all else fails, I could just get me a large order of ham and potatoes from Boston Market or King Soopers~

"Shoes ain't nothin' but hard socks~" -Me

Currently Watching: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya & Gundam Seed~

Friday, November 7, 2008

Trial & Error~

This has become a hectic week. As hopes of a brighter future are dashed, I'm left to contemplate the course of action I must take in order to survive the following months. Last minute news or Last minute preparation is never a good thing. It's foolish to believe that things fall into place so perfectly (at least in my case). That kind of thinking hasn't gotten me very far. What it has gotten me was a wonderful kick from reality: you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket~

I had an interview this past Tuesday. The job was a dispatch/routing position at Dish Network. I would settle in and work directly under a former ABC comrade. It started one day when she came to me and said, "You should work for me." to which I replied with a simple, "Okay." Apparently, she and the recruiter are pretty close. Last week, I received an application from her, filled it out and gave it to her the day after, and received a phonecall from her recruiter the following day. We set an appointment for Tuesday at 3pm. *Flash-Forward to Tuesday of this week* I feel the interview went amazingly well. I went all out. I even went as far as to have some recommendation letters prepared. There's a rule of thumb I was told that if the interview doesn't last any longer than 30 mins, then you're probably not going to get the job. My interview lasted a little over an hour. Following the interview was a tour of the building, the different departments, as well as policies, dress codes, etc. Immediately after the interview, I headed to a clinic to have a drug test. The sooner I peed into the cup, the sooner I can start work. About a half hour after I leave the clinic, I received a voicemail from the recruiter saying that after my interview with him, he had to speak with his upper management. They informed him that they put a stop to all hiring in the dispatch/routing department and was put in effect either before my interview or during. So I was unable to get the job. Total garbage if you ask me. I mean, he's the recruiter. You'd think he'd have a better handle on what's going on in his own department, especially if he's the guy to talk to about hiring. So, here I am again, stressing out about finding a job. Technically, my last day at ABC will be next Friday. I was hoping to be out before then. At least have something lined up. Unfortunately, that's not how the dice roll when I throw them~

Today, at work, I've received news from another former ABC colleague that a receptionist job at a local radio station has opened up. She, herself, went to the interview but couldn't take it because they didn't offer any part-time positions. The person she interviewed with said that if she knew anyone who needed a job, she should send them in that direction. Lucky for me, she stepped into the Bookstore and I told her my story. So, another job opportunity? I would like to think so. I am a bit weary, however. Last time I trusted a co-worker about a job, I was denied it due to a technical misunderstanding or miscommunication. Well, I don't really have much of a choice. I have to take what I can and just hope for the best~

The last few nights have been spent at Jon's apartment. I've been on his computer looking up jobs online. Bank jobs, entry-level management/trainer jobs, etc. Seriously, something has to happen. I've been doing this for almost 4 years and you mean to tell me I'm not qualified for anything? I really have terrible luck~

The re-emergence of a former relationship has surfaced after an eternity of silence. In an attempt to rekindle what was lost, it is taken into account that efforts must be quadrupled in order to assure success. Hopefully, there will be at least one aspect of my life that has a happy ending~

There have been a few conversations I've been involved in where I expressed a small outburst of poetic fluency from the top of the dome. I'm quite proud of myself~

"I lay here wrapped in my cloud sanctuary lost in the sea of contemplation only to be engulfed by the dark abyss of nothingness [*just laying in bed spacing out]~" --Me

Currently: upset at my job situation, my joke of a paycheck, and the fact that after 3 months, I haven't had my discount from my phonebill taken off yet~

Monday, October 20, 2008

Esse Quam Videri

After what feels like forever, I finally got to drawing something that wasn't for school. I guess you could say it was for myself but it was actually a commission that I wanted to do. The idea was to get as many BMF-Autobots in one image and throw the design on a longboard. Due to time constraints as well as miscommunications, it was reduced to just 8 Autobots on a poster. Originally, I had a list of 16-20. However, 8 hours per character (drawing, inking, re-inking due to mess-ups, coloring, etc.) not to mention trying to juggle shit-work, looking for new work, and dealing with crazy's, it's quite the stress-coaster~

Needless to say, this hasn't been the best month. Since summer (maybe even before that), the months progress to becoming worse than the previous one. What options do I have? I could always head back to Colorado Springs. God-forbid. I could tough it out up in Denver but I've been doing that for quite some time as it is. I could move out to a different state and start anew. BUT I need money. So many things. But I guess I can just stay in Denver for a while longer. Besides, my friends are here. Who will they go to when they need rides to the local walmart or when they need a liquor run? Who will I talk to about being gay with each other without actually being gay with each other (Best Hit Generation, where you at~?!)? Where will my successor go to when he needs someone to back him up that Donnie Yen would fuck Tony Jaa to pieces. Or where will he go to to talk about his Siberian tart? You got it....this guy *thumbs to the chest*

Along the topic of jobs, It's still a struggle. I've applied anywhere and everywhere. Even so much as the mall. Just to get me through so I can find something else. And what about the other manager positions I've tried to apply for? They say they're desperate yet they need people to be persistent. Kind of a riddle to me on that one but I still complied with the persistance and still no reply. I don't know...I don't understand why I'm so unhire-able. It's very upsetting. Good thing I haven't decided to read The Fuck-Up. That just might discourage me even more. *hmm* I should make a business card and try to get commissions done for people. Have "clients" spread the word of my talents. Shit, this first commission got me $***.** so get some networking done and maybe I could actually get paid for my talents~

I've been trying to read more often to pass the time. I'm actually building up my Murakami Collection. As it goes so far: Dance Dance Dance; South of the Border, West of the Sun; Sputnik Sweetheart (just finished recently); A Wild Sheep Chase. I've read more but I need to buy them as well. Maybe later. OR I could move towards Urban Erotic Stories. Such books as Thong on Fire, Thug-a-Licious, From the Streets to the Sheets, etc. by Noire (can be found right next to Haruki Murakami. You should give it a read. Pure comedy at its finest. Literally made me lol)~

Family wants me to head to COSprings this weekend. It's the tenant's graduation (finally) on Friday as well as Boboy's baptismal on Sunday. I think I can make it. I don't see why not. It's just a drag to go down to the Springs. There's nothing there for me to do, really. But hey, it's an excuse to see family and score some free grub~

This is mostly just an excuse to blog. I havne't done it in ages and I felt the need that it was about time I leave a new set of footprints in this dismal world~

Currently Reading: A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami~
Currently Wanting: food other than corned beef and rice~

Monday, September 15, 2008


I find myself laying stagnant. In what terms? Honestly, I'm not sure. However, I do know that I wish I could be moving forward at a much quicker pace. In all kinds of aspects, I feel that I'm in this type of limbo or purgatory, whichever term you prefer. Either way, I still need to step my game up~

New place = new toys. I scored myself a new microwave. Could've had a new toaster-oven but it was a large family-sized that could fit a whole chicken. Considering I already have an oven, I found this appliance unneccesary. Needless to say, it was returned and the cash was redeemed. But, oh boy...sure is nice to have a microwave. I've also been buying books to read. Mainly Murakami books. So far, he's the author of choice. So far, I own Dance Dance Dance; South of the Border, West of the Sun; and Sputnik Sweetheart. You can bet your ass that I'm gonna purchase another Murakami book soon. I have to build up my collection of literary works that isn't soley comprised of manga~

Old toys (or activities) include playing PS2. Picked up DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi (sp?). Also, I'm highly debating folding out the Total Gym. With the loss of the workout facility in Belmar, I have to keep myself in shape somehow. The other members of BHG have been keeping busy one way or another and I must do the same~

Things to look forward to: ROCKER'S RUMBLE III, 9-20-2008. A shame I haven't been keeping up in breakdancing. Still, just being in the area/atmosphere will get me back into the mood/motivation to keep in shape~

Currently: awaiting a reply from my previous job applications~
Currently Reading: Dance Dance Dance -Haruki Murakami

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Crunch-time has definitely made its presence felt. However, I am in no hurry. This is the week of the DNC in Downtown, Denver so I have the week off. This gives me plenty of time to move everything. The majority of things are already packed. All that's left are the bare-essential cooking utensils, clothes, and furniture. Move-in begins tomorrow at 11:30am (well...that's when I sign my lease). Finally, I can claim independence. Aside from my phone, I will have my own bills, my own lease, my own adult life. In sheer cheeseyness, you could say that this'll be a "new lease on life." But that won't be until my source of monetary stability comes from a different origin. With finding a place of my own out of the way, I can concentrate all my energies into the job-hunt once again. The new phone number, the new place, the process of moving...when a person is pushed to limits and given a deadline, he/she can get a lot done~

What this month has taught me (or re-affirmed) is that a person really has only himself to rely on. "If you want something done right, do it yourself. And if the result is unsatisfactory, you only have yourself to blame." Sure, there was help offered but because of my personality, I'm reluctant to accept any (the feeling of being in debt to someone is quite undesirable). There is great pride in accomplishing things on an individual basis. That's not to say that I'm a loner or prefer to be along, it's an elevated sense of fulfillment, success, triumph, whatever you want to call it. For this, I am quite proud of myself~

So, where have I relocated to? I've transfered to a vicinity in the area of a forgotten place where comrades gathered to clock in those extra hours for academic achievement. My no means is it as snazzy as my current/former place of residence but it will fit the bill for the short term. Come February 2009, I'll (hopefully) be somewhere quieter, newer, and more professional. It goes as follows: Cimarron Ridge in Aurora, Concordia in Lakewood, The Lofts at Belmar, and now Brittany Manor in Denver. *sigh* I just remembered that I'll have to do the whole address change process again. Such a pain. The moving process as a whole is a pain. Rest assured, once it's over, I'll expel one of the largest sighs of relief these lungs can breathe. That'll be one less problem to worry about~

Rocky roads this month has been. And even more difficult will the following month be. Although moving will no longer be a part of the picture, I've still got a lot to do. There are more worries that need to be satisfied. Along with this new lease, new contact and so-forth, I've also acquired a new symbol of hope and promise to compliment the one that hangs from my neck. Call it a charm if you will. I call it a piece of mind~

As always, I find myself left behind in the BHG. I've recently received my figure to complete the neko collection. Last again. But it just tells me that I've got a lot of catching up to do. The leader is doing well on his homefront, the subleader is holding his own. Now, the back-up dancer has this opportunity to rise to the ranks and make a name for himself in order to feel the warm glow of the spotlight. Which reminds me, I haven't been to Church in a while. Sad day. That aside, my time will come. Partly because I deserve it. But mostly because I've earned it~

Currently: making final preparations for the move~
Currently Reading: After Dark -by Haruki Murakami~

Sunday, August 10, 2008


The evergoing search for a new home continues. Earlier today, I've made calls/visits to my 2 main prospective places. Unfortunately, apt.1 had no available units. This place might've been my top choice. Its location: DTC, close to lightrail, closer to home, and away from the city. However, since its located next to lightrail, it makes accessibility quite easy. Next, apt.2. The building isn't built yet but people will be able to move in mid September. Their rent starts at $478 for a 1BD/1BA. It's one of those units that an individual must qualify for. Fortunate for me, I do qualify. Unfortunately, all the $478 units have been leased. The next one up is $612. Bottom line, the apartment search must continue~

My luck with searching for a new job shows as much promise as my search for a new home. I haven't heard anything back from the credit union. After the initial interview (a Thursday), I was told to contact them if I haven't heard from them before the weekend. There was no word. So come Monday, I did my follow-up call only to receive the answering machine. I left a message. The following day, I tried to call them again at scattered times of the day. The result was the same. I left a message. Wednesday, same thing with the same result. I think it's clear to me that my experience entire employment history/experience with money handling was not sufficient enough to work at this particular establishment. Bottom line, the job search must continue~

I'm worried that I won't be able to make my supposed deadline. However, I am a little confused on what my options are. My former roommate said that I have as long as I need so long as I make my current payments on rent. My landlord stated that I have until the end of the month. So I wonder, if that's the case, am I at all required to pay for September's rent/club fees? And if I am, since I [would have] paid, doesn't that allow me to stay at my current residence for the month of September? I still have to contact my informant on the details but I'm unsure on his availability. Electronic means of contact will have to do~


I have recently found that my 2-year contract with Sprint expired August 1st. Upon realizing this, I felt the need to detach myself from my phone service provider of 4 years. It was a good run, I suppose, but it's time to move on. Actually, my main reasoning for leaving Sprint is because I want to invest in an unlocked phone and that requires a SIM card (something that Sprint does not provide). This left me with 2 choices: AT&T and T-Mobile. Both provided features that outdoes the other:

AT&T: 450 anytime minutes with roll-over, 5000 night & weekend minutes, and unlimited text messaging. $65.99 a month (includes est. charges)~

T-Mobile: 300 anytime minutes (unlimited minutes with myFaves top-5), Unlimited nights & weekends, and unlimited text messaging. $60.98 (including est. charges)~

With Sprint, I average about 1600 minutes (total), unlimited text messaging for a hair over $50.00 (this includes fees, charges, and 15% discount)~

The thing that got me with AT&T is the roll-over. I hardly talk during the day so those unused minutes build up throughout the duration of my contract. Based on my average with Sprint, this makes the unlimited option almost unneccessary. T-Mobile, however, DOES have unlimited nights & weekends standard (AT&T, unlimited nights & weekends is an extra $8.99). After consulting my phone advisor, I have decided to make the switch to AT&T. According to him, they have better reception at more places. PLUS, they also provide the 15% discount as well. After spending some dude time with Jon, I found that T-Mobile provides an 18% discount but there's a ton of work to go through so it was too much of a hassle~

My contract with Sprint will officially be over once this pay period is over (sometime in early September). Technically, I have 2 phones now (I finally have a 303 number). But I've decided to run with Sprint until it's finally cancelled then move to my new phone. Once that happens, I'll distribute my new phone number to the people I deem worthy of having accessibility to my person~

*note* it just hit me at this particular moment that next month (as far as phones go) will be a rough month~


The 2008 Summer Olympics plays in the background. Seeing how my tv is unable to get any channels, being somewhere else is the only way I can watch coverage. US women's gymnastics is fuckin' up with all their out-of-bounds deductions. I don't see how anyone can find the Olympics boring to watch. It's the entire world competing in an event that only happens once every 4 years. That's some big shit, right there. There's at least one thing in the Olympics that everyone would find entertaining. Anyone who thinks that the Olympics is boring deserves a swift round kick to the face~

Two weekends in a row, I've crossed paths with former high school pals. They were also former breakdancing buddies. Watching some youtube videos of their progress (along with gymnastics playing in the background), it makes me wish that I consistently stayed with dancing. Starting from scratch (alone) is quite difficult and hard to stay motivated. I would practice with the people up here in Denver but I feel incredibly intimidated by the pros and feel that practicing at my level would bring about ridicule. Either way, I still plan on acheiving every man's dream to have a rock-solid 6-pack; one way or another~


Currently: Stressing my ass off~

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Although it was probably unneccessary, I spent yesterday at waterworld. 6 hours of water and sun = an even tan [hopefully]. Considering all the things that have been going on, I personally felt that the time off was deserved~

Unable to keep my emotions in check, I accidentally had a mild explosion of rage towards a respected comrade. Although aware of her intentions to bring cheer to my dark time, I really wasn't in the mood to hear a lecture about "giving up" or "losing faith." Besides, after this dragged-on search of 3 years (and not to mention the light of current events), I think I'm entitled to feel tension and frustration. I am, after all, only human~

Thursday, I received a call from a prospective job opportunity. Unfortunately, due to being on the clock, I was unable to answer the call. They did, however, leave a voice mail. Upon immediate relief from the clutches of the timeclock, I returned the call to my would-be employer. However, I was only able to receive the machine. I left my phone number as for return call as well as informing them of my returning the call another time. Friday, I tried to return the call around 11am-noon. Again, I received the machine. I later tried to call the number again and ended witht he same outcome (darned machine). My possible ticket out of the bookstore might've slipped through my fingers~

So here I am in the computer cafe searching for yet another opening door in the workforce. The current door needs to shut soon. I want this. I need this. Yes, it needs to happen. It must. And soon. Because, quite frankly, I'm tired [oh so tired] of being dragged along like this~

Thursday, July 10, 2008


The search continues and things aren't looking as hopeful as expected. As previously stated, I've planted many seeds since before graduation. Even before submitting this post, I just completed another online application. Still, no word from anyone. Again, I'm starting to fall into another mental and moral slump due to the lack of hopeful feedback from potential employers~

After a lead meeting today, I found myself caring less and less about what happens in that God-forsaken establishment. As it would appear to be, plans of leaving before rush might be shot. It is my goal to make it out before then but for the time being, I might actually have to work my full 6 months. That would definitely make me depressed~

In recent days, it's been search after search. Let it be in the search of a new source of income, the search in a new place of dwelling, or the search of that step to fulfillment, I'm not finding what it is I'm looking for. As far as I know, I'm taking all the necessary steps I need to. Unfortunately, there is no path presenting itself. Lost as usual, I look back and find myself truly successfully unsuccessful~

Saturday, July 5, 2008


In a position to expect change, I find myself hoping for more. It has been deemed that Summer 2008 is the summer of change. That, I can agree with. However, the path that lies before me is as much of a struggle as it has always been. My brothers in arms both share the satisfaction of progression; the feeling of evolution; the joys of moving forward. I, on the other hand, must follow suit so that I may also stand atop the pedastal and have the warm light of accomplishment shine upon me~

There is one thing that is for certain: there will be change during the summer of 2008. I will find myself living in new quarters and I will definitely find myself with a new source of income. I've been searching for more than 3 years. And, with all the seeds that I've planted, there's no way that not one of them can grow~

As a member of Best Hit Generation, I refuse to be left behind. It's like when we'd go on a running/jumping trek. With the mentality of being left behind, I force myself to push harder in hopes to catch up but, in their eyes, I sometimes surpass. Either way, I have to keep up with the progression. Otherwise, I'll be chasing the shadows of my comrades~

This will be a summer of change. This must be a summer of change. I welcome the progression with open arms as I hope it welcomes me. With that mutual, loving embrace, I'll know what it'll be like to finally step foot on the road to success~